Thursday, July 2, 2009

Golf, Dogs and Jobs!

My mind is crowded today. I want to pick up some kind of a job as I have a whole 'free' day with me, thanks to my daughter and husband being out for most part of the day. I am kinda lonely now more than ever. I get to see my daughter after almost 11 hours! I know she is very happy and enjoying her school, but I literally feel i've been fired!

So, I am on the lookout for a job. I love dogs, I like golf, but can I combine work and hobby in some way? Let me see, the options are to open a driving range or to start a kennel with plenty of puppies. The thought is interesting, but I do not have that kind of place. So, I am toying with my ideas still - not that I normally take quick decisions!

Yes, my mind is a muddle, but the weather is beautiful! Anybody cares for a drive around the beautiful Mysore city?

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